“Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was

2019-01-29 12:01发布


I'm making a C# application which is using GameSpy C code (the GP part). The C code is calling a callback (which is C# code) succesfully, but I get this error Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call right after the callback is done. I've made a DLL out of C code, like this:

    // GPCallback
    __declspec(dllexport) typedef void (* GPCallback)(
      GPConnection * connection,
      void * arg,
      void * param

    // gpConnect
    __declspec(dllexport) GPResult gpConnect
      GPConnection * connection,
      const gsi_char nick[GP_NICK_LEN],
      const gsi_char email[GP_EMAIL_LEN],
      const gsi_char password[GP_PASSWORD_LEN],
      GPEnum firewall,
      GPEnum blocking,
      GPCallback callback,
      void * param

C# is calling it like this:

   unsafe public delegate void GPCallback(
   GPConnection * connection,
   //GPConnectResponseArg arg,
   IntPtr arg,
   IntPtr param

  unsafe static extern GPResult gpConnect(
   GPConnection * connection, 
   gsi_char nick, 
   gsi_char email, 
   gsi_char password, 
   GPEnum firewall,
   GPEnum blocking,
   GPCallback callback,
   IntPtr param
  unsafe public bool gpConnectE() {
   bool ret = false;
   try {
    GPResult res;
    debug.AddLine(this.getMethodName() + ": " + "connection before connect: " + connection.ToString("x"));
    fixed (int* pconn = &connection) {
     res = gpConnect(
      new GPCallback(this.ConnectResponse),
    debug.AddLine(this.getMethodName() + ": " + "connection after connect: " + connection.ToString("x"));
    if (res != GPResult.GP_NO_ERROR) {
     debug.AddLine(this.getMethodName() + ": " + "failed: " + res);
    } else {
     debug.AddLine(this.getMethodName() + ": " + "OK");
     ret = true;
   } catch (Exception ex) {
    debug.Text += ex.ToString();
   return ret;

  unsafe public void ConnectResponse(
   GPConnection * connection,
   //GPConnectResponseArg arg,
   IntPtr argPtr,
   IntPtr param
  ) {
   debug.AddLine(this.getMethodName() + " called with connection: " + (*connection).ToString("x"));
   GPConnectResponseArg arg;
   arg = (GPConnectResponseArg)Marshal.PtrToStructure(argPtr, typeof(GPConnectResponseArg)); 
   if (arg.result == GPResult.GP_NO_ERROR) {
    debug.AddLine(this.getMethodName() + ": Connected to GP");
    this.profileid = arg.profile;
   } else {
    debug.AddLine(this.getMethodName() + ": failed");
    debug.AddLine(this.getMethodName() + ": result: " + arg.result);
    debug.AddLine(this.getMethodName() + ": profile: " + arg.profile);
    debug.AddLine(this.getMethodName() + ": uniquenick: " + arg.uniquenick);

I believe that I need to clear the stack in my callback or change the calling convention in the DLL (is that possible?). Any other ideas?


Check the calling conventions you are using.


Reference to other related question: Callback from C function - crash


Problem solved unexpectedly my myself (after 5 hours googling). I suspected a wrong calling convention already, but I didn't know how to switch it correctly. I've changed it in the C code as suggested here (http://computerarts.com.cn/dotnet-tech/1691/):

// GPCallback
//__declspec(dllexport) typedef void (* GPCallback)(
//typedef __declspec(dllexport) void (* GPCallback)(
typedef void (_stdcall * GPCallback)(
  GPConnection * connection,
  void * arg,
  void * param