I created a bezier curve with the code below and made a prefab of the bezier curve. I added a few copies of the prefab to my scene.
When I open the original prefab in prefab mode (I am using Unity 2019.1.0a8
) and adjust any of the points it only affects one of the prefabs, the changes are not recognised in the scene view till I select the other objects manually.
Please note that each of the prefab copies is rotated to an angle different from the original prefab. Before I rotate the copies they all update normally but once I rotate them, only the one copy that isn't rotated is updated.
I added SceneView.RepaintAll();
after calling path.MovePoint(i, newPos);
in the Draw()
method but it still doesn't update the others.
Could it be that I haven't serialised by variables correctly? How can I solve this?
public class Path {
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
List<Vector2> points;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
public bool isContinuous;
public Path(Vector2 centre)
points = new List<Vector2>
centre + (Vector2.right+Vector2.down)*.5f,
centre + Vector2.right
public Vector2 this[int i]
return points[i];
public int NumPoints
return points.Count;
public int NumSegments
return (points.Count - 4) / 3 + 1;
public void AddSegment(Vector2 anchorPos)
points.Add(points[points.Count - 1] * 2 - points[points.Count - 2]);
points.Add((points[points.Count - 1] + anchorPos) * .5f);
public Vector2[] GetPointsInSegment(int i)
return new Vector2[] { points[i * 3], points[i * 3 + 1], points[i * 3 + 2], points[i * 3 + 3] };
public void MovePoint(int i, Vector2 pos)
if (isContinuous)
Vector2 deltaMove = pos - points[i];
points[i] = pos;
if (i % 3 == 0)
if (i + 1 < points.Count)
points[i + 1] += deltaMove;
if (i - 1 >= 0)
points[i - 1] += deltaMove;
bool nextPointIsAnchor = (i + 1) % 3 == 0;
int correspondingControlIndex = (nextPointIsAnchor) ? i + 2 : i - 2;
int anchorIndex = (nextPointIsAnchor) ? i + 1 : i - 1;
if (correspondingControlIndex >= 0 && correspondingControlIndex < points.Count)
float dst = (points[anchorIndex] - points[correspondingControlIndex]).magnitude;
Vector2 dir = (points[anchorIndex] - pos).normalized;
points[correspondingControlIndex] = points[anchorIndex] + dir * dst;
else {
points[i] = pos;
public class PathCreator : MonoBehaviour {
public Path path;
public void CreatePath()
path = new Path(transform.position);
public class PathEditor : Editor {
PathCreator creator;
Path path;
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
bool continuousControlPoints = GUILayout.Toggle(path.isContinuous, "Set Continuous Control Points");
if (continuousControlPoints != path.isContinuous)
Undo.RecordObject(creator, "Toggle set continuous controls");
path.isContinuous = continuousControlPoints;
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
void OnSceneGUI()
void Input()
Event guiEvent = Event.current;
Vector2 mousePos = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(guiEvent.mousePosition).origin;
if (guiEvent.type == EventType.MouseDown && guiEvent.button == 0 && guiEvent.shift)
Undo.RecordObject(creator, "Add segment");
void Draw()
for (int i = 0; i < path.NumSegments; i++)
Vector2[] points = path.GetPointsInSegment(i);
Handles.color = Color.black;
Handles.DrawLine(points[1], points[0]);
Handles.DrawLine(points[2], points[3]);
Handles.DrawBezier(points[0], points[3], points[1], points[2], Color.green, null, 2);
Handles.color = Color.red;
for (int i = 0; i < path.NumPoints; i++)
Vector2 newPos = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(path[i], Quaternion.identity, .1f, Vector2.zero, Handles.CylinderHandleCap);
if (path[i] != newPos)
Undo.RecordObject(creator, "Move point");
path.MovePoint(i, newPos);
void OnEnable()
creator = (PathCreator)target;
if (creator.path == null)
path = creator.path;