i am trying to setup my android app to use firebase dynamic links and am experiencing a problem in setting it up in the firebase console.
i had previously added my app to my firebase project to use the realtime database and it works with no isssues. i included the app's debug SHA-1 (which i obtained from the app-debug.apk).
now in the firebase dynamic links console screen, i can select my app from the drop-down list but it shows a warning in red "Please add SHA-1 for this Android app".
i even deleted the app from my firebase project and then added it again, also including the SHA-1 but i still get the red warning in the dynamic links console page when i select the app.
i'd appreciate any help in sorting this problem out (so that it recognizes the SHA-1).
note: i have 2 other apps which are included in my firebase project. one has a SHA-1 include and the other not. if i select these apps in the dynamic links console screen, the one with the SHA-1 selects with no warning message and the one without a SHA-1 displays (as expected) the warning message.