I have a complete command to deploy the xCode project on real device.
xcodebuild -workspace jamesAppV2.xcworkspace -scheme jamesAppV2 -configuration Debug -destination 'platform=iOS,name=Shujaat’s iPad' clean test
its working fine using the command line.
Todo: I wanted to execute this command via a shell script.
here is my complete shell script deploy.sh
so for.
#My First Script
#Info to be configured
echo "Searching for $jamesApp_workspace workspace..."
if [[ $(ls $jamesApp_workspace) ]]; then
echo "$jamesApp_workspace found in current directory."
echo "Listing all installed and connected devices..."
instruments -s devices
echo "Copy + Paste from above devices"
echo "specify name of your decice to launch $appName"
read d_device_name
echo "building workspace for $d_device_name..."
build_cmd=(xcodebuild -workspace jamesAppV2.xcworkspace -scheme jamesAppV2 -configuration Debug)
build_cmd+=(-destination "$destination" clean test)
echo "${build_cmd[@]}"
# Here it prints the valid command given above
echo "$jamesApp_workspace workspace not found"
echo "Make sure your current path contains the $jamesApp_workspace workspace"
echo "Place this file i.e deploy.sh within the directory containing $jamesApp_workspace workspace"
Problem: I have done like
build_cmd=(xcodebuild -workspace jamesAppV2.xcworkspace -scheme jamesAppV2 -configuration Debug)
build_cmd+=(-destination "$destination" clean test)
echo "${build_cmd[@]}" #Prints valid command
but gives error on execution
xcodebuild: error: option 'Destination' requires at least one parameter of the form 'key=value'
if I run the above command via command line its working perfectly but If I run this via shell script its not working.
I have referred I want to concatenate arguments of xcodebuild as string, which have space in it ,then run this command to concatenate the xcodebuild command