This is a followup question from the comments in the following How to map nested complex JSON objects and save them to core data?.
Imagine that I already have this code for my app.
class Passenger{
var name: String
var number: String
var image : UIImage
// init method
class Trip {
let tripNumber : Int
let passenger : Passenger
init(tripNumber: Int, passenger: Passenger) {
self.tripNumber = tripNumber
self.passenger = passenger
Now I've decided to add persistence for my app. I just want to have a table of Trips. I want to show the passengers under trips, but don't need a table to query passengers directly. It's just a custom object/property of trip. Every time I access passenger it would be through Trips.
So is there a way that I can create a new subclass of NSManagedObject named 'TripEntity' and store my passengers — WITHOUT 1. creating another NSManagedObject subclass for 'Passenger' 2. Creating a relationship with an inverse relationship between Passenger and Trip? Simply put I just want it to be an attribute. Conceptually to me it's also just an attribute. It's not really a relationship...
Or is that once you're using Core-data then every custom type needs to be explicitly a subclass of NSManagedObject? Otherwise it won't get persisted. I'm guessing this also what object graph means. That your graph needs to be complete. Anything outside the graph is ignored...
I'm asking this because the JSON object that I actually want to store is gigantic and I'm trying to reduce the work needed to be done.
Any custom property needs to be something that can be represented as one of the Core Data property types. That includes obvious things like strings and numeric values. It also includes "binary", which is anything that can be transformed to/from NSData
in Swift).
From your description, the best approach is probably to
- Adopt
for your Passenger
- Make the
property a Core Data "transformable" type. (as an aside, should this be an array of passengers? You have a single related passenger, but your question describes it as if there's more than one).
- After doing #2, set the "custom class" field for the passenger property to be the name of your class--
If you do these two things, Core Data will automatically invoke the NSCoding
methods to convert between your Passenger
class and a binary blob that can be saved in Core Data.
You can add passengers to one Trip entity but as the attribute types are restricted you have to use a transformable
type which can be quite expensive to archive and unarchive the objects.
The most efficient way if the source data is JSON is to create Core Data entities for Passenger
and Trip
and add inverse relationships. Then make all NSManagedObject
classes adopt Codable
and add init(from decoder
and encode(to encoder:
methods to each class.
For example let's assume that the Trip
class has a to-many relationship to Passenger
it could look like
@NSManaged public var tripNumber: Int32
@NSManaged public var passengers: Set<Passenger>
and in the Passenger
class there is an attribute trip
@NSManaged public var trip: Trip?
this is the required Decodable
initializer in Trip
. The decoder can decode arrays as well as sets.
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case tripNumber, passengers }
public required convenience init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
guard let context = decoder.userInfo[.context] as? NSManagedObjectContext else { fatalError("Context Error") }
let entity = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: "Trip", in: context)!
self.init(entity: entity, insertInto: context)
let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
tripNumber = try values.decode(Int32.self, forKey: .tripNumber)
passengers = try values.decode(Set<Passenger>.self, forKey: .passengers)
passengers.forEach{ $0.trip = self }
The inverse relationship is set via the forEach
You have to add an extension of JSONDecoder
to be able to pass the current NSManagedObjectContext
in the userInfo
The corresponding encoder is – pretty straightforward –
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(tripNumber, forKey: .tripNumber)
try container.encode(passengers, forKey: .passengers)
classes adopting Codable
are very comfortable for pre-populating the database from JSON data or making JSON backups.