I am querying a Picasa gallery and when I dig into the entries that are returned, I can't find the full size image. I can only see a much smaller, re-sized image (data[0].Content.AbsoluteUri
). I know Google retains the full size image because I can see it when I view my Picasa gallery online. Where is the full size image?
var picasaService = new PicasaService("Gallery");
var photoQuery = new PhotoQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri("GOOGLEUSERNAME", "GALLERYID"));
var photoFeed = picasaService.Query(photoQuery);
var data = photoFeed.Entries;
short answer:
media:group/media:content[@url] path in a query to get the gdata photo ENTRY from the picasa GData service contains the link you want.
Longer answer:
- interactively query the Gdata api for picasa using oauth playground\
- https://code.google.com/oauthplayground and select picasa from the list and get
- authorize button ... then allow access button and you can query the api using the form
- make a query for the ENTRY URI of desired photo (your ...user/.. /albumid .. /photoid )
- inspect the content of media:group/media:content[@url] sample below
- The URI to the big photo is valueOf the url attribute in the above expression
- sample value for one of my picasa photos
- url=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-_FFMNGPU1TQ/TtukXyN4eCI/AAAAAAAACso/EzPmut2iKVQ/DSC01612.JPG
Using the oauth 2.0 playground for a query to get the entry of one of my photos...
GET /data/entry/api/user/rowntreerob/albumid/5682316071017984417/photoid/5682316083381958690?alt=json
Note: filter response using http://json.parser.online.fr/
The link to the large photo that you want is in the url attribute above...
Using the "fields=" tag, you can directly get the link as in below req/ resp from gdata...
GET /data/entry/api/user/rowntreerob/albumid/5682316071017984417/photoid/5682316083381958690?alt=json&fields=media%3Agroup%2Fmedia%3Acontent%5B%40url%5D
Hidden in the documentation it is possible to specify the size of the images in the feed. This is using the "imgmax" parameter:
Which can have a value set to "d" to request full sized images
This is not supported directly in the c# API, but you can achieve the desired result using the "extraParameters" field on the PhotoQuery object.
Your code then becomes:
var picasaService = new PicasaService("Gallery");
var photoQuery = new PhotoQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri("GOOGLEUSERNAME", "GALLERYID"));
// add the extra parameter to request full size images
photoQuery.ExtraParameters = "imgmax=d";
var photoFeed = picasaService.Query(photoQuery);
var data = photoFeed.Entries;