Error System can't find the file specified
strCline = Document.getElementById("head").innerHtml
msgbox strCline
strCline = replace(strCline, " ",Chr(32)) strCline
Set oShell = Nothing
Above code produces error because it can't read file name properly. It's all because of space characters in file name. After reading, i found chr(32) would replace space character but it won't. How do I make it take space character.
My final code looked like this which worked. I made mistake while creating object.
Sub funEdit
set oShell=createobject("")
strCline = Document.getElementById("head").innerHtml
msgbox strCline
strCline = replace(strCline, " ",Chr(32)) strCline
Set oShell = Nothing
End Sub
The shell splits a command line into parameters using blank(s) for a delimiter. If you want to send text file specifications to .Run to display them automagically in the default editor, you must double quote the (logically) single parameter. This demo code:
Option Explicit
Dim sFSpec : sFSpec = "C:\Documents and Settings\eh\tmp.txt"
Dim sCmd : sCmd = sFSpec
Dim oWSH : Set oWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
On Error Resume Next
oWSH.Run sCmd
WScript.Echo qq(sCmd), "=>", Err.Number, Err.Description
sCmd = qq(sFSpec)
oWSH.Run sCmd
WScript.Echo qq(sCmd), "=>", Err.Number, Err.Description
On Error GoTo 0
Function qq(s)
qq = """" & s & """"
End Function
will output:
"C:\Documents and Settings\eh\tmp.txt" => -2147024894
""C:\Documents and Settings\eh\tmp.txt"" => 0
and open only one Notepad.
See here for some context.