I would like to parse a list of data from one intent to another intent
However, with my code, I'm only manage to pass the first item in the listview . I use a log.d to check for the items, and realised that only one items is being pass. In my listview there's 2 items,when I pass it over to my next intent, only one item was shown in the log..
I did a serializable in my class. I make a log in my summary, however, when I click on summary, the log that was shown in not all the data.
01-28 18:20:49.218: D/Bundle(20278): bundle : Bundle[{clickedpreOdometer=, clickedID=2, clickedCost= 12.0, clickedDate=27/12/2014, pojoArrayList=[com.example.fuellogproject.fuelLogPojo@43bf3f18, com.example.fuellogproject.fuelLogPojo@43bf5b68], clickedPump=3, clickedPrice=4, clickedFCon= 0.0, clickedOdometer=3}]
public void summaryClick (View v)
Intent sum = new Intent(this, summary.class);
fuelLogPojo clickedObject = pojoArrayList.get(0);
Bundle dataBundle = new Bundle();
dataBundle.putString("clickedID", clickedObject.getid());
dataBundle.putString("clickedDate", clickedObject.getdate());
dataBundle.putString("clickedPrice", clickedObject.getprice());
dataBundle.putString("clickedPump", clickedObject.getpump());
dataBundle.putString("clickedCost", clickedObject.getcost());
dataBundle.putString("clickedOdometer", clickedObject.getodometer());
dataBundle.putString("clickedFCon", clickedObject.getfcon());
dataBundle.putSerializable("pojoArrayList", pojoArrayList);
Log.i("FuelLog", "dataBundle " + dataBundle);
// Attach the bundled data to the intent
// sum.putExtras(dataBundle);
Log.i("Exrrass", "dataBundle " + dataBundle);
// Start the Activity
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//month = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.month);
avgPrice = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.showavfPriceTV);
exFuel = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.showexFuelTV);
avgFC = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.showavgFCTV);
doneButton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.doneBTN);
exitButton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.exitBTN);
Bundle takeBundledData = getIntent().getExtras();
// First we need to get the bundle data that pass from the UndergraduateListActivity
bundleID = takeBundledData.getString("clickedID");
/*bundleDate = takeBundledData.getString("clickedDate");
bundlePrice = takeBundledData.getString("clickedPrice");
bundlePump = takeBundledData.getString("clickedPump");
bundleCost = takeBundledData.getString("clickedCost");
bundleOdometer = takeBundledData.getString("clickedOdometer");
bundlePreOdometer = takeBundledData.getString("clickedpreOdometer");
bundleFcon = takeBundledData.getString("clickedFCon");*/
Log.d("Bundle","bundle : "+ takeBundledData);
public class fuelLogPojo implements Serializable{