While developing a BLE app for iOS, I keep getting a disconnect immediately after discoverServices is called. I am testing with 4 exact BLE devices (OEM), and I keep getting this disconnect on exactly the same two devices. Every time. I know the devices are ok, because I've also built the same app on Android, and with the same devices, all 4 stay connected. This is using Titanium, but everything here is implemented in iOS. Here's the relevant iOS code:
- (void)centralManagerDidUpdateState:(CBCentralManager *)central
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ - centralManagerDidUpdateState: entry",self);
NSString *state = nil;
switch (central.state) {
case CBCentralManagerStatePoweredOn:
state = @"CentralManagerStatePoweredOn";
case CBCentralManagerStateUnknown:
state = @"CentralManagerStateUnknown";
case CBCentralManagerStateResetting:
state = @"CentralManagerStateResetting";
case CBCentralManagerStateUnsupported:
state = @"CentralManagerStateUnsupported";
case CBCentralManagerStateUnauthorized:
state = @"CentralManagerStateUnauthorized";
case CBCentralManagerStatePoweredOff:
state = @"CentralManagerStatePoweredOff";
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ - centralManagerDidUpdateState default -> break",self);
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ - centralManagerDidUpdateState state changed to: %@",self, state);
NSDictionary *event = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:state, @"state", nil];
if ([self _hasListeners:@"centralManagerStateChange"]) {
[self fireEvent:@"centralManagerStateChange" withObject: event];
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ - centralManagerDidUpdateState: exit",self);
- (void) connectPeripheral:(id)args
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ : connectPeripheral - entry",self);
NSString* uuid = [[[args objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:@"peripheral"] objectForKey: @"UUID"];
for (CBPeripheral *peripheral in self.discoveredPeripherals){
if ([[peripheral.identifier UUIDString] isEqualToString:uuid]){
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ : connectPeripheral - device is %@",self, peripheral);
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ : connectPeripheral - attempting to connect to %@",self, peripheral.name);
if (self.connectedPeripherals){
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ : connectedPeripheral - connectedPeripherals is ok...",self);
if (![self.connectedPeripherals containsObject:peripheral]){
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ : connectPeripheral - device is not connected. Connecting.",self);
if (centralManager.state == CBCentralManagerStatePoweredOn){
[centralManager connectPeripheral:peripheral options:nil];
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ : connectPeripheral - device is already connected. %@",self,peripheral);
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ : connectPeripheral - exit",self);
- (void) centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didConnectPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ : didConnectPeripheral - entry",self);
if ( [manuallyDisconnectedPeripherals containsObject:[peripheral.identifier UUIDString]] ){
[manuallyDisconnectedPeripherals removeObject:[peripheral.identifier UUIDString]];
if (![self.connectedPeripherals containsObject:peripheral]){
[peripheral setDelegate:self];
[self.connectedPeripherals addObject: peripheral];
NSNumber *RSSI = 0;
if (peripheral.RSSI != nil){
RSSI = peripheral.RSSI;
NSDictionary *peripheralObj = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [peripheral.identifier UUIDString], @"UUID",
peripheral.name, @"name",[NSNumber numberWithInteger:1], @"isConnected", RSSI, @"RSSI", nil];
NSDictionary *event = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: peripheralObj, @"peripheral",
[peripheral.identifier UUIDString], @"UUID",nil];
if ([self _hasListeners:@"didConnectPeripheral"]) {
[self fireEvent:@"didConnectPeripheral" withObject: event];
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ : didConnectPeripheral - exit",self);
- (void) discoverServices:(id)args
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ : discoverServices - entry",self);
NSString *peripheralUUID = [[args objectForKey:@"peripheral"] objectForKey:@"UUID"];
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ : discoverServices - for %@",self,peripheralUUID);
if (self.connectedPeripherals){
for (CBPeripheral *peripheral in self.connectedPeripherals){
if ([[peripheral.identifier UUIDString] isEqualToString:peripheralUUID]){
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ : discoverServices - , attempting to discover services for %@",self,peripheral);
[peripheral discoverServices: [BLEServicesCBUUIDs count] > 0 ? BLEServicesCBUUIDs : nil];
TiLogMessage(@"[INFO] ===== %@ : discoverServices - exit",self);