I have created a LESS (http://lesscss.org/) version of a simple css grid solution (http://simplegrid.info/. Now I can happily roll my own grid sizes with the server script from LESS (lessc). That's working for me.
For demo purposes I would like to create a HTML page, where I can put the size of the css grid in a textbox and the the grid would change dynamically. Beginning of the demo is here:
So instead of changing @layoutwidth: 720px;
in the <style rel="stylesheet" type="text/less" >
section I would like to pass these variables to the LESS interpreter.
Can these be done with the client side usage of less? Can I define global variables or pass them as parameters to less.js somehow?
I am aware that I could do this without the usage of LESS (preferably with jQuery o. sth.) - but I figured since it is already there...