I'm having a problem getting gettext to translate one of my translation files on my Vagrant setup running Ubuntu. My locale files are in a directory like so...
I am confident that the translation files are ok as I have a local version of xampp pointing to exactly the same file and it works fine.
I have tried the following and almost just want to figure out what is going on because I've spent so long looking into it
- Permissions - I can output the content of the default.mo file on the webpage
- Enabled locales in "/etc/locale.gen", ran "locale-gen" and restarted apache
Is there anything that I may have missed?
define('LOCALES_DIR', "../locales");
if (! file_exists(LOCALES_DIR)) {
exit("Locales not found from here");
$content = file_get_contents(LOCALES_DIR . "/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/default.mo");
if (strlen($content) < 1) {
exit("File could not be read");
$language = "de_DE.UTF-8";
putenv('LANG=' . $language);
setlocale(LC_ALL, $language);
$domain = "default";
bindtextdomain($domain, LOCALES_DIR);
bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, 'UTF-8');
echo _("Sign In");
- For some reason it is now semi-working intermittently, on the 3rd refresh it will display the correct text.
- My PHP versions are slightly different
- vagrant: 5.4.42
- local: 5.4.7
- Not sure if it helps but the php_sapi_name() on vagrant was "fpm-fcgi" and on local it was "apache2handler", just guessing as not 100% sure on the difference but might explain why an Apache restart was not enough on vagrant