PHP intl can convert a Gregorian date to other calendar type.
For example Gregorian to Hijri, 2017/04/11
to 1396/01/22
Or we must use external library to convert dates?
PHP intl can convert a Gregorian date to other calendar type.
For example Gregorian to Hijri, 2017/04/11
to 1396/01/22
Or we must use external library to convert dates?
You Can Use This Method:
function getDateTimeFromCalendarToFormat($format = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', $time = null, $locale = 'fa_IR', $calendar = 'persian', $timeZone = 'Asia/Tehran')
if (empty($time)) {
$time = new \DateTime();
$formatter = new \IntlDateFormatter("{$locale}@calendar={$calendar}", \IntlDateFormatter::FULL, \IntlDateFormatter::FULL, $timeZone, \IntlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL);
$dateArray = [];
return $formatter->format($time);
if you call getDateTimeFromCalendarToFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',null,'en_US')
1396-06-27 13:50:21
if you call getDateTimeFromCalendarToFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',null,'fa_IR')
۱۳۹۶-۰۶-۲۷ ۱۳:۴۹:۵۱
New pattern string to use. Possible patterns are documented at Formatting Dates and Times
Yes it can. This is an example which converts a time object to its Persian formatted string using intl:
function c2persian($time, $toCalender = 'persian', $timezone = 'Asia/Tehran', $locale = 'fa_IR') {
$formatter = IntlDateFormatter::create($locale, NULL, NULL, $timezone, IntlCalendar::createInstance($timezone, "$locale@calendar=$toCalender"));
return $formatter->format($time);
$time = strtotime("2089-08-09 00:00:00 UTC");
echo c2persian($time);
You can find more info at php intlCalendar documentation.
PHP Already has date format functions, you need to convert first with strtotime()
function and get the desired values with date()
$originalDate = "2017/04/11";
$theDate = strtotime($originalDate);
$theDay = date('d',$theDate);
$theMonth = date('m',$theDate);
$theYear = date('Y',$theDate);
$customFormat = date('Y-m-d',$theDate);
$customFormat2 = date('d/m/Y',$theDate);
$customFormat3 = date('F j, Y, g:i a',$theDate);
Example working here:
You can get more info about date in php here: