I'm looking for a way to visualize a Viterbi path in LaTeX or maybe Graphviz, much like in this example:
It doesn't have to be dots, but it could also be actual values between the lines. Much like a table with lines between cells.
I tried searching for ways to do this, but most likely I'm not using the right keywords.
Here's one way to achieve this using graphviz with invisible edges:
graph {
node[shape=point, height=0.08];
{ rank=same; a1 -- b1 -- c1 -- d1 -- e1;}
{ rank=same; a2 -- b2; b2 -- c2[style=invis]; c2 -- d2; d2 -- e2[style=invis];}
{ rank=same; a3 -- b3[style=invis]; b3 -- c3; c3 -- d3[style=invis]; d3 -- e3;}
a1 -- a2 -- a3;
b1 -- b2 -- b3;
c1 -- c2 -- c3;
d1 -- d2 -- d3;
e1 -- e2 -- e3;
edge[style=solid, constraint=false];
a2 -- b3 -- c2 -- d3 -- e2;