I am using this link from Oleg and Demo to create context menu. Is there a way to pass some dynamic values to each row apart from rowId. May be one way is to set hidden values for each row and get those hidden column values but not sure how to implement this functionality. Thanks for any help or suggestions..
loadComplete: function(data) {
// Fix the Grid Width...
// Context Menu
$("tr.jqgrow", this).contextMenu('contextMenu', {
bindings: {
'abc1': function(trigger) {
// would like to pass some custom values
'abc2': function(trigger) {
// open a link in new window using a hyperlink
'abc3': function(trigger) {
// custom logic
onContextMenu : function(event, menu) {
//var rowId = $(event.target).parent("tr").attr("id");
//var grid = $("#grid");
//return true;