
Get report output in PDF fromat via Acumatica REST

2019-01-29 00:51发布


Is it possible to get PDF output of the report generated as a result of the action invoked for the particular screen via REST API?

For instance, we want to provide users of the external application with the ability to execute "Print Invoice/Memo Form" action for a particular Invoice in the AR Invoice screen in Acumatica. They expect to get Invoice Form in PDF format as the result of the call.

If there is no such option, maybe there is a way to generate a link which will bring the user to the Invoice form report executed with the specified set of parameters values. Acumatica login information and report parameters values are stored in the external application.

Thank you!


Short answer yes, long answer....not easily.

To implement the functionality you request the following steps must be taken.

First create an action on the AR Invoice screen that will generate a report, save and attach it to the document.

public class ARInvoiceEntryExtension : PXGraphExtension<ARInvoiceEntry>
    public PXAction<ARInvoice> exportReport;
    [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Export Report")]
    public virtual IEnumerable ExportReport(PXAdapter adapter)
        //Report Paramenters
        Dictionary<String, String> parameters = new Dictionary<String, String>();
        parameters["ARInvoice.DocType"] = Base.Document.Current.DocType;
        parameters["ARInvoice.RefNbr"] = Base.Document.Current.RefNbr;

        //Report Processing
        PX.Reports.Controls.Report _report = PXReportTools.LoadReport("AR641000", null);
        PXReportTools.InitReportParameters(_report, parameters,
        ReportNode reportNode = ReportProcessor.ProcessReport(_report);

        //Generation PDF
        byte[] data = PX.Reports.Mail.Message.GenerateReport(reportNode,

        PX.SM.FileInfo file = new PX.SM.FileInfo(reportNode.ExportFileName + ".pdf", null, data);

        UploadFileMaintenance graph = new UploadFileMaintenance();
        PXNoteAttribute.AttachFile(Base.Document.Cache, Base.Document.Current, file);

        return adapter.Get();

Second you will have to create a method utilizing the Contract API to find the Invoice, trigger the action and then retrieve the file attached to the document.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        AcumaticaProcessor processor = new AcumaticaProcessor();
        File[] result = processor.RetrieveReport("Invoice", "001007");

public class AcumaticaProcessor
    DefaultSoapClient client = new DefaultSoapClient();

    public void Login()
        client.Login("Username", "Password", "Company", "Branch", null);

    public File[] RetrieveReport(string docType, string refNbr)
        ARInvoice invoiceToFind = new ARInvoice()
            Type = new StringSearch() { Value = docType },
            ReferenceNbr = new StringSearch() { Value = refNbr }
        invoiceToFind = client.Get(invoiceToFind) as ARInvoice;

        InvokeResult result = client.Invoke(invoiceToFind, new ExportReport());

        return client.GetFiles(invoiceToFind) as File[];