So the timeout param, for a thread, should stop the thread after timeout seconds (if it hasn't terminated yet).
In my software i'm trying to replace a Queue.Queue.join() (it contains an item for every thread: each thread will run Queue.Queue.task_done()) that could stop the software if a thread doesn't terminate. So if a thread, among other 50, doesn't terminate then it is all freezed.
I want that every thread stops in 5 seconds, for example. So i will start each thread with timeout of 5 seconds. Is it correct?
import threading
import time
def tt(name, num):
while True:
num += 0.5
print 'thread ' + str(name) + ' at time ' + str(num)
for i in range(3):
t=threading.Thread(target=tt, args=(i, 0))
print 'end'
It is not properly working.. every thread should stop after 1 second. Thread 0 stops after 3 secs, thread 1 after 2 secs.
thread 0 at time 0.5
thread 0 at time 1.0
thread 1 at time 0.5
thread 0 at time 1.5
thread 0 at time 2.0
thread 1 at time 1.0
thread 2 at time 0.5
thread 0 at time 2.5
thread 1 at time 1.5
thread 2 at time 1.0thread 1 at time 2.0
thread 0 at time 3.0