Lazy mapping with hibernate tools?

2019-01-29 00:08发布


I have two tables A and B in my database. I the table B I have a reference to the table A by an Integer idA. (idA is a foreign key for B) When I do reverse engineering using hibernate-tools, I generate two Java objects.

public class A{
  int id;


public class B{
  int id;
  A a;

But I want to have

public class B{
  int id;
  int idA;

How can I do this?



So I found a solution: create a custom ReverseEngineeringStrategy and change the return of excludeForeignKeyAsManytoOne method to true.

public class MyReverseEngineeringStrategy extends DelegatingReverseEngineeringStrategy {

    public MyReverseEngineeringStrategy(ReverseEngineeringStrategy delegate) {

    public boolean excludeForeignKeyAsManytoOne(String keyname, TableIdentifier fromTable, List fromColumns, TableIdentifier referencedTable, List referencedColumns) {
        return true;



I think for this you have to update your class manually and then remove any @OneToOne annotations or similar tags in XML mapping.

By default, Hibernate suggests you to have entity mapped so you can use at once, without having to fetch it explicitly.