In WinRT API there is Windows.Security.Credentials namespace which contains the PasswordCredential class. Using it we can encrypt sensitive data like user names and passwords but the class itself has a property named "Properties" which looks to me like a handy container for other custom properties somehow related to the stored credential but I can't get it to work. There is a "Read-only" access type for the "Properties" in the documentation but I thought that meant only that I can't change the reference to the container it points to. My question is:
Is the "Properties" property of PasswordCredential useable for programmers?
Sorry for any errors in text, you can also correct my english in the answers, it is not my native language ;)
EDIT: This may be useful:
The "Add" method in the following code throws ArgumentException:
PasswordVault v = new PasswordVault();
PasswordCredential c = new PasswordCredential("TEST", "TEST", "TEST");
c.Properties.Add("Name", "testName");