Pretty simple explanation. I have a table with 10 entries, 5 entries with the year 2010 and 5 entries with 2011 in a column.
In the query I have, I use Like *2010 to filter out all entries equal 2010 and display onl those records.
On my form, I have combobox being populated with each unique year (from a different table). So my combobox values are 2010 and 2011.
Is it possible, when I select say 2011, I trim the right 4 characters and use as my Like criteria to refresh and requery the form, all done within VBA?
You can refer to the value of a control in a query run from within an Access session, as long as the form which contains that control is open.
FROM YourTable
WHERE date_field_as_text Like "*" & Forms!YourForm!YourCombo;
So perhaps you can use a similar query as your form's record source, and do Me.Requery
in the combo box's after update event.
If that's not close enough to what you want, please give us more information about the data types of the fields involved. Adding brief samples of the table data to your question could also help; please make it clear whether the "date" fields are text or Date/Time.
Yes, it's possible.Just add your stuff to the 'YourComboName.After_Update'.
Look for the Events of the Form that are fired before the form is shown. There build your query as like HansUp suggested.