I am experiencing problems to use the containers.Map of matlab.
Here an example of my issue:
When I try to build the map of an array of myClass instance with a cellarray of keys defined as :
valueSet = myClass.empty(4,0);
keySet = cell(1,4);
for i=1:4
valueSet(i) = myClass();
keySet{i} = valueSet(i).name;
map = containers.Map(keySet, valueSet);
classdef myClass < handle
function self = myClass()
self.name = randstr(10);
function output = randstr(n)
symbols = ['a':'z' 'A':'Z' '0':'9'];
nums = randi(numel(symbols),[1 n]);
output = symbols (nums);
I get this error:
Error using containers.Map
Specified value type does not match the type expected for this container.
However the matlab documentation says :
mapObj = containers.Map(keySet,valueSet) constructs a Map that contains one or more values and a unique key for each value.
keySet 1-by-n array that specifies n unique keys for the map. If n > 1 and the keys are strings, keySet must be a cell array.
valueSet : 1-by-n array of any class that specifies n values for the map. The number of values in valueSet must equal the number of keys in keySet.
I also tried to specified the class type but it raised also an error:
containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','myClass')
Error using containers.Map
Unsupported ValueType 'myClass' specified. See documentation for valid value types.
So I don't understand... if containers.Map is working for any class, why is not working for myClass ?