I am reading this tutorial page: https://javaee.github.io/tutorial/security-intro006.html Which explains that I should be able to view the SSL version of the home page (index.html) by going to the following URL: https://localhost:8181. However, when I point my browser at this address I receive an error that is shown in Figure 1.
I have a feeling configuring this could take hours the first time. Does anyone have a tutorial that can help me configure HTTPS on my loopback address in Glassfish?
I found links to documentation on the administration console, running on port 4848, but this is tough to understand. The quick start guide does not cover this aspect. I mean there is a quick start guide also on the administration console but configuring HTTPS is not covered.
Figure 1: HTTPS/SSL page not working - glassfish v5
FIXED I think Mike helped me fix this problem. Thank-you Mike! That was a solution I would not of come up with on my own. Thank-you for getting me out of that hole.
However, when I now access this secure web address on my loopback address, https://localhost:8181, I actually see the webpage and not the error page shown in Figure 1. However, there is a red line through the protocol in the URL and the words explaining that the connection is not secure. How can I make the connection secure?
Figure 2: Glassfish HTTPS home page working but not secure