I'm certainly no Drupal expert, but I've schemed and built a few databases before, so am puzzled by the structure of a database a 3rd party team is working on that I had Sequel Pro'd into to add some dummy content. I presume the structure wouldn't be apparent if one were to use Drupal's back end GUI, but I don't have creds, just ftp, and ssh access.
I was a bit horrified to see not the single table I would have expected for, say, an Organization, with columns for ID, Name, Address, Email, Zip Code, etc. etc.
Instead, there is a table for each bit of data. That is, a separate table for Name, for Address, for Email, for Zip Code, etc. etc.
That seems, from a logical standpoint, amazingly inefficient. E.g., when an Organization page loads, each bit of data that loads for that org is called from a different table and aggregated, rather than by way of a call to a single table, and all data pulled from one row.
Am I clueless (yes but...) or is this some db structure peculiarity unique to Drupal?