I have a function in the following form:
function Out = DecideIfAPixelIsWithinAnEllipsoidalClass(pixel,means,VarianceCovarianceMatrix)
ellipsoid = (pixel-means)'*(VarianceCovarianceMatrix^(-1))*(pixel-means);
if ellipsoid <= 1
Out = 1;
Out = 0;
I am doing remote-sensing processes with matlab and I want to classify a LandSatTM images.This picture has 7 bands and is 2048*2048.So I stored them in 3 dimentinal 2048*2048*7 matrix.in this function means is a 7*1 matrix calculated earlier using the sample of the class in a function named ExtractStatisticalParameters and VarianceCovarianceMatrix is a 7*7 matrix in fact you see that:
ellipsoid = (pixel-means)'*(VarianceCovarianceMatrix^(-1))*(pixel-means);
is the equation of an ellipsoid.My problem is that each time you can pass a single pixel(it is a 7*1 vector where each row is the value of the pixel in a seperated band) to this function so I need to write a loop like this:
for k1=1:2048
for k2=1:2048
Out = DecideIfAPixelIsWithinAnEllipsoidalClass(pixel,means,VarianceCovarianceMatrix);
and you know it will take alot of time and energy of the system.Can you suggest me a way to reduce the pressure applied on the systam?