Specifically looking for a way to perform point in time restore to a new Database, preserve the original database; using Managed API instead of REST API or Templates.
Code I have so far:
public async Task CreateDatabaseFromRestorePointAsync(
string resourceGroupName, string serverName,
string databaseName, DateTime time) {
using (SqlManagementClient sqlMgmtClient = GetSqlManagementClient())
DatabaseInner myDb = await sqlMgmtClient.Databases.GetAsync(
resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName);
var newDb = new DatabaseInner
Location = myDb.Location,
CreateMode = CreateMode.PointInTimeRestore,
// RestorePointInTime = time;
Edition = "Basic",
SourceDatabaseId = myDb.Id
var result = await sqlMgmtClient.Databases.CreateOrUpdateAsync(
resourceGroupName, serverName, "BackUpRestoreTestDb", newDb);
// Throws "The point in time was not specified for restoring live database...'"
Found the following:
- This SO link How to restore an Azure SQL Database to point-in-time using Azure management libraries for .NET.
And same link references a new Database
instead of a DatabaseInner
. Cant find Database objects namespace.
- Databases - Create or Update
- Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases template reference.
Edit 1:
Tried the restore method specifically from Brando Zhang's answer but there are apparently namespace changes. I'm using:
.Net 4.6.1
version 1.6.0-preview
version 1.2.0
Getting the namespace could not be found for DatabaseCreateOrUpdateParameters
, DatabaseCreateOrUpdateProperties
, DatabaseCreateMode
, DatabaseCreateOrUpdateResponse
exists in both ..sql
and ..slq.fluent
namespaces both of which do not find namespace for .server
in the line sqlMgmtClient.Servers.Get(resourceGroupName, serverName).Server;
Searched Microsoft's Azure Management Namespaces with no luck.
But google found DatabaseCreateOrUpdateParameters and its namespace on a spanish MSDN site, which links to above.
The confusion here is because there are 3 different API's:
version < 1.0
version >= 1.0 (API reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.azure.management.sql?view=azure-dotnet)
, which is based on Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql
version >= 1.0 and is intended to be a more human-friendly design but does not have as much feature support as the base .Sql library. (API reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.azure.management.sql.fluent?view=azure-dotnet)
Brando's answer is for the #1 API. To update the code for the new API (#2), it should look like this:
// Create a database: configure create or update parameters and properties explicitly
Database newDatabaseParameters = new Database()
Location = currentServer.Location,
CreateMode = DatabaseCreateMode.PointInTimeRestore,
Edition = databaseEdition,
SourceDatabaseId = "/subscriptions/{yoursubscriptionid}/resourceGroups/{yourgroupid}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{sqlservername}/databases/{sqldatabasename}",
RestorePointInTime = DateTime.Parse("2017-09-22T02:32:08Z"),//Restore Point time
Database db = sqlMgmtClient.Databases.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName, newDatabaseParameters);
return db;
The major differences are:
- There is no longer separate classes like
, DatabaseCreateOrUpdateProperties
, DatabaseCreateOrUpdateResponse
. There is just one class Database
- The properties of
are "flattened" so there is no inner Properties
to set.
According to your description, I suggest you could try to use this nuget package.
Microsoft Azure SQL Management Library
Then you could use below codes to achieve Point In Time Restore.
Code like this:
Notice, you need registry an application to get tenantId, applicationId, SecretKey, then with subscriptionId to get the authentication token.
About how to register, you could refer to these codes:
Main method:
var subscriptionId = "subscriptionId ";
var clientId = "clientId ";
var tenantId = "tenantId ";
var secretKey = "secretKey ";
var azureSqlDatabase = "azureSqlDatabase ";
var resourceGroup = "resourceGroup ";
var azureSqlServer = "azureSqlServer ";
var databaseEdition = DatabaseEditions.Standard;
var databasePerfLevel = "S1";
SqlManagementClient sqlManagementClient = new SqlManagementClient(new Microsoft.Azure.TokenCloudCredentials(subscriptionId, GetAccessToken(tenantId, clientId, secretKey)));
CreateOrUpdateDatabase(sqlManagementClient, resourceGroup, azureSqlServer, azureSqlDatabase, databaseEdition, databasePerfLevel);
The get auth token method:
static string GetAccessToken(string tenantId, string clientId, string secretKey)
var authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext($"https://login.windows.net/{tenantId}");
var credential = new ClientCredential(clientId, secretKey);
var result = authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync("https://management.core.windows.net/",
if (result == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to obtain the JWT token");
var token = result.Result.AccessToken;
return token;
The restore method:
static DatabaseCreateOrUpdateResponse CreateOrUpdateDatabase(SqlManagementClient sqlMgmtClient, string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string databaseName, string databaseEdition, string databasePerfLevel)
// Retrieve the server that will host this database
Server currentServer = sqlMgmtClient.Servers.Get(resourceGroupName, serverName).Server;
// Create a database: configure create or update parameters and properties explicitly
DatabaseCreateOrUpdateParameters newDatabaseParameters = new DatabaseCreateOrUpdateParameters()
Location = currentServer.Location,
Properties = new DatabaseCreateOrUpdateProperties
CreateMode = DatabaseCreateMode.PointInTimeRestore,
Edition = databaseEdition,
SourceDatabaseId = "/subscriptions/{yoursubscriptionid}/resourceGroups/{yourgroupid}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{sqlservername}/databases/{sqldatabasename}",
RestorePointInTime = DateTime.Parse("2017-09-22T02:32:08Z"),//Restore Point time
RequestedServiceObjectiveName = databasePerfLevel
DatabaseCreateOrUpdateResponse dbResponse = sqlMgmtClient.Databases.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName, newDatabaseParameters);
return dbResponse;