I have two flot charts in One page , and with the code below, I want to use jsPDF to create report of them in two different pages (but one PD file) here id my code: Lets use this sample graphs :
function flot1() {
var oilPrices = [[1167692400000, 61.05], [1167778800000, 58.32], [1167865200000, 57.35], [1167951600000, 56.31], [1168210800000, 55.55], [1168297200000, 55.64]
, [1168383600000, 54.02], [1168470000000, 51.88], [1168556400000, 52.99], [1168815600000, 52.99], [1168902000000, 51.21], [1168988400000, 52.24], [1169074800000, 50.48]];
var exchangeRates = [[1167606000000, 0.7580], [1167692400000, 0.7580], [1167778800000, 0.75470], [1167865200000, 0.75490], [1167951600000, 0.76130], [1168038000000, 0.76550],
[1168124400000, 0.76930], [1168210800000, 0.76940], [1168297200000, 0.76880], [1168383600000, 0.76780], [1168470000000, 0.77080], [1168556400000, 0.77270],
[1168642800000, 0.77490], [1168729200000, 0.77410], [1168815600000, 0.77410], [1168902000000, 0.77320], [1168988400000, 0.77270], [1169074800000, 0.77370],
[1169161200000, 0.77240], [1169247600000, 0.77120]];
var data = [
{ data: oilPrices, label: "Oil price ($)" },
{ data: exchangeRates, label: "USD/EUR exchange rate", yaxis: 2 }
var options = {
canvas: true,
xaxes: [{ mode: "time" }],
yaxes: [{ min: 0 }, {
position: "right",
alignTicksWithAxis: 1,
tickFormatter: function (value, axis) {
return value.toFixed(axis.tickDecimals) + "€";
legend: { position: "sw" }
plot = $.plot("#placeholder_2", data, options);
function flot2() {
plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), [{ label: 'Test', data: [[0, 0], [1, 1]] }], { yaxis: { max: 1 } });
var doc = new jsPDF();
html2canvas($("#placeholder").get(0), {
onrendered: function (canvas) {
var imgData = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
doc.addImage(imgData, 'PNG', 10, 10, 180, 115);
var element = $("#placeholder_2").get(0);
html2canvas(element, {
onrendered: function (canvas2) {
var imgData2 = canvas2.toDataURL('image/png');
doc.addImage(imgData2, 'PNG', 10, 10, 180, 60);
the problem is :
when I save pdf with ONE graph, it works fine, but after puting doc.save() at the end of canvas renders , the created PDF file is empty.
NOTE: I use html2canvas and jsPDF libraries.