Trying to find a selector to get all elements that have both no class, and no id set to them.
So far I have 2 different outputs depending on if there is a space in the selector:
// outputs
var noID = $('*:not([id])');// 144 - may have a class
var noClass = $('*:not([class])'); // 100 - may have an id
var withSpace = $('*:not([id]) *:not([class])'); // 99 ?
var noSpace= $('*:not([id])*:not([class])'); // 84 ?
Which one is correct, my guess is the noSpace
- but I don't know. Anyone tried this before?
My guess is that with the space, the selector is going inside the tag that has no ID, and selecting the children elements that have no class associated with them.
And the noSpace
result is the correct one, as it selects only the elemets that have both no class, and no id.
Can someone verify? Thanks!
Use this selector to find elements that have neither a class, or an id associated with them.
bonus: $('body *:not([id]):not([class])');
- If you only want to deal with the actual content