i'm storing in HttpContext.Current.Session current user, SiteUser is single-tone class that presents current active siteuser, and when he logged i'm creating new SiteUser() in controller and in constructor adding him to the session:
public static SiteUser Create()
HttpContext.Current.Session[sessionKey] = new SiteUser();
return HttpContext.Current.Session[sessionKey] as SiteUser;
then, with every request to the server services i'm check is user available in session:
public static SiteUser Current
if (HttpContext.Current.Session == null || HttpContext.Current.Session[sessionKey] == null)
throw new SiteUserAutorizationExeption();
return HttpContext.Current.Session[sessionKey] as SiteUser;
otherwise i'm generate non-auth-user exception and redirect him to the logon page. but sometimes HttpContext.Current.Session[sessionKey] is null, but HttpContext.Current.Session doesn't null and FormsAuthenticationTicket is available and Expired property is also false. can somebody help me, why HttpContext.Current.Session[sessionKey] can be null?
UPD: webconfig session settings: <sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="20" />
UPD: sessionKey is: public const string sessionKey = "SiteUser";
UPD2: i'm forget to add, that in session also stored Culture settings:
and when exception hits, that HttpContext.Current.Session[sessionKey] is null, culture-item isn't
UPD3: i have downloaded symbol tables of source .NET Framework and set breakpoints at SessionStateItemCollection on changing collection items. and i resolved some mistakes: 1) all collection items are null — "culture" is setting up after 2) it happens at the session end event i can't understand how it can be, because at web.config session timeout is set 20