I am trying to implement twitter sign in on my website using hybridauth. I know there is a hybrid auth plugin for Yii. I am not using it because last time I used I ran into some problems. I am trying to implement the core version of hybrid auth.
I am calling
$hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth( Yii::app()->params['hybridauth'] );
$adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate( 'Twitter');
But for some reason it redirects to http://localhost/yiiauth/authtest/?hauth.start=Twitter&hauth.time=1350973441
, which causes a redirect loop.
Is there any way to solve this problem ? My hybrid auth configuration is as follows :
"base_url" => "http://localhost/yiiauth/authtest/",
"providers" => array (
"Twitter" => array (
"enabled" => true,
"keys" => array ( "key" => "mykey", "secret" => "mysecret" )
"debug_mode" => false,
"debug_file" => "",
My hybridauth files are in /protected/extensions/hybridauth
and I include the Hybrid/Auth.php
in the top of the index.php file