Chrome 64 Mobile Android not preload and not autop

2019-01-28 09:51发布


We encounter issue with Chrome 64 video element which not loaded and not autoplay although we used video attributes preload="auto" and muted on HTML element.

the video start load and paused, after research, we discovered it never starts to play, like the browser blocked it from playing.

our video doesn't have sound, no sound channel at all, and still no autoplay.

Chrome 63 working great and the same device with 64 stop autoplay.

we did all the things Google Chrome wrote in the release notes, but we think there is another issue we don't know about.


We discover that you need to add preload="auto" as HTML element attribute, but you also must put on JavaScript HTML element videoElement.muted=true as normal JS attribute.

it looks like a bug in Chrome.


Make sure data-saver is disabled. If data-saver is on, it will not load video.