As title, could anyone of you give me a working instruction to solve that problem ? thanks a lot!
If you only after checked-out files and you are in a dynamic view set to see only MY_BRANCH:
ct lsprivate -co .
(with '.' being the parent directory under which you want to find co files)
That command is recursive by default.
Your config spec would need to be
element * CHECKEDOUT
element * .../MY_BRANCH/LATEST
element -directory /main/LATEST
With checked-out files and directories in a snapshot or dynamic view, use indeed lsco, but knowing that command is not recursive by default. So I would recommend:
ct lsco -rec -brtype MY_BRANCH
$ ct lsco -brtype your-branch-type-selector
Start by having a look here : IBM ClearCase Command Reference : lscheckout
Then, as an example, try this...
If your branch was foo, and your are in the VOB you want to check, you can run
ct lsco -brtype foo
ct lsco -brtype brtype:foo