I have a composite chart of three line charts. One of the charts is using a "fake" group as suggested here. As you can see in the snapshot below though the scale of the 3rd chart is very different from the other two. The solution I would like is to have a dual axis chart as shown here in pure d3. I think it can be done using a .renderlet() on the main composite chart but I was wondering if there was a "sexier" solution with pure dc.js?
Here is a snapshot:
and here is my code. (in coffeescript) I tried using .y and .yAxis on the internal charts but that had no effect.
actualValuesChart = dc.lineChart(mainChart)
.group(metric, "actual " + @displayName)
.valueAccessor (d) -> d.value.avg
normValuesChart = dc.lineChart(mainChart)
.group(metric, "normal " + @displayName)
.valueAccessor (d) -> d.value.avg_avg
clipsCountChart = dc.lineChart(mainChart)
# .y(d3.scale.linear().range([100, 0]))
# .yAxis(d3.svg.axis().scale(d3.scale.linear().range([100, 0])))
.width(thisChart.width + 30)