Hi I am having no problem writing to or appending to a file, the only problem is that as soon as I quit the program and then run it again, it creates a new file overwriting my original file. This is a problem, as I am using the text file to keep a running tally.
Is there a way to get an already created text file as an object and then append to it?
Thanks in advance.
There is a constructor for FileWriter which allows you to set appending with a boolean.
Usually, better than FileWriter (already suggested) is to use FileOutputStream, which also (like FileWriter
) has an append
parameter in one of its constructors, and which (unlike FileWriter
), does not silently assume the default charset encoding (slightly bad practice IMO).
From the FileWriter doc:
Convenience class for writing
character files. The constructors of
this class assume that the default
character encoding and the default
byte-buffer size are acceptable. To
specify these values yourself,
construct an OutputStreamWriter on a
Take a look at java.io.FileWriter. Setting append
to true should do the trick.