php script for currency conversion

2019-01-28 08:27发布


I am looking for a php script that does currency conversion.

Where can I find one that works with codeigniter?


Taken from

How to parse the data
This is just an example

//This is a PHP (4/5) script example on how eurofxref-daily.xml can be parsed 

//Read eurofxref-daily.xml file in memory 
$XMLContent= file("");
//the file is updated daily between 2.15 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. CET

foreach ($XMLContent as $line) {
        if (ereg("currency='([[:alpha:]]+)'",$line,$currencyCode)) {
            if (ereg("rate='([[:graph:]]+)'",$line,$rate)) {
                    //Output the value of 1 EUR for a currency code 
                    echo '1 &euro; = '.$rate[1].' '.$currencyCode[1].'<br />';
                    // Here you can add your code for inserting
                    // $rate[1] and $currencyCode[1] into your database

Not the best of scripts, but then again, you just asked for gimme-teh-codez.


You can convert currency with google conversion easily with the below code. Read more about Currency Conversion library in PHP with google here

public function getResult(){           
$result = file_get_contents($this->googleUrl);/* Convert the above result into Array */                           
$result = explode('"', $result);/* Right side text*/           
$convertedAmount = explode(' ', $result[3]);           
$conversion = $convertedAmount[0];           
$conversion = $conversion * $this->amount;          
$conversion = round($conversion, 2);//Get text for converted currency               
$rightText = ucwords(str_replace($convertedAmount[0],"",$result[3]));//Make right hand side string           

$rightText = $conversion.$rightText;/* Left side text*/           
$googleLeft = explode(' ', $result[1]);           
$fromAmount = $googleLeft[0];//Get text for converted from currency              

$fromText = ucwords(str_replace($fromAmount,"",$result[1])); //Make left hand side string           
$leftText = $this->amount." ".$fromText;             
return $leftText." = ".$rightText; 


you can calculate exchange rates quite simply like:

$from = "GBP";
$to = "USD";
$url = ''.$from.'&ToCurrency='.$to;
$rate = simplexml_load_file($url);
echo 'Rate from '.$from.' to '.$to.' is: '.$rate[0];


I wrote a CodeIgniter currency conversion model last week. You can download if from here.

It uses the European Central Bank's XML feed, which is updated every week day.


    defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

    class CurrencyCon extends CI_Controller {
                                                public function index()
                                                $dollarValue=$this->convert_currency('USD', 'INR',1890);//parameter3 give the amount to be converted.
                                                echo 'Actual Rate '.$dollarValue."";
                                                echo 'Round Figure '.$con_dollor = round($dollarValue,2);
                                            function convert_currency($currency_from,$currency_to,$currency_input)
                                            $yql_base_url = "";
                                            $yql_query = 'select * from where pair in ("'.$currency_from.$currency_to.'")';
                                            $yql_query_url = $yql_base_url . "?q=" . urlencode($yql_query);
                                            $yql_query_url .= "&format=json&";
                                            $yql_session = file_get_contents($yql_query_url);
                                            $yql_json =  json_decode($yql_session,true);
                                            $currency_output = (float) $currency_input*$yql_json['query']['results']['rate']['Rate'];
                                            return $currency_output;


? >


I am useing here google finance Api. Use This one :

 function currencyConverter($from_Currency, $to_Currency, $amount) { 
            $from_Currency = urlencode($from_Currency);
            $to_Currency = urlencode($to_Currency);
            $get = file_get_contents("$amount&from=$from_Currency&to=$to_Currency");
            $get = explode("", $get);
            $get = explode("", $get[1]);
            $converted_currency = preg_replace("/[^0-9\.]/", null, $get[0]); 
            return $converted_currency; 
  Core php
  $converted_currency=currencyConverter('USD', 'INR', 1);
  echo $converted_currency;

  $converted_currency=$this->currencyConverter('USD', 'INR', 1);
  echo $converted_currency;