Following situation in CRM 2011: My goal is to show several entities in one grid. Therefore we made a wrapper entity which links to the real entity (wrapper entity to entity A, B, C). When an item in A, B or C is created, also an wrapper entity item is created by a plugin. Like this I can have a grid, "mixing" all the entities, while in fact only show the items of the wrapper entity.
But of course, if I do a double click or right click -> open in this grid, I don't want to open the wrapper entity item, I directly want to open the window of e.g. entity A item. Ribbon Button is no problem btw.
I followed two routes so far:
a) Link replacement: After the grid is loaded I went through the DOM and replaced the oid, otype and otypename with the values of the (real) target item (entity A, B or C). This idea has a two downsides: first when to execute the replacement routine (only on load is not enough as its possible to sort, filter or flip pages later). Second and man problem are the ribbon buttons. I want to delete the wrapper entity items and not the invoice behind it. Things get confused when I replace all those IDs. I would have to replace all the buttons by custom buttons.
b) Method/Event replacement: it would be elegant to just replace the event where the item detail window is called. Unfortunately I didn't figure out yet how the events are implemented in CRM, I was hoping to unattach an event and replace it by mine, but this seems to be a hidden secret. CRMWeb_static_grid\ has the dblclick-event, but I don't understand if this is the one I'm looking for and how to unattach.
Has anyone ever tried to replace an event handler in a crm grid or got an idea how it might work?
Hope it's clear what I mean...
Thank you very much for any idea.