Edit #2: Since it looks like a bug i already posted a bug report in the javaFx-jira. You have to have an account to have access to the issue. I will keep this post up-to-date, if there is new information.
Original post: I have a simple UI with a button and a TreeView. If the button gets pressed there should be a new item added to the TreeView. This item should be editable as soon as it appears in the tree.
import javafx.fxml.FXML;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeItem;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeView;
import javafx.scene.control.cell.TextFieldTreeCell;
import javafx.util.converter.DefaultStringConverter;
public class ClientController {
private TreeView<String> tree;
public void initialize() {
tree.setCellFactory(p -> new TextFieldTreeCell<>(new DefaultStringConverter()));
TreeItem<String> root = new TreeItem<>();
public void createItem() {
TreeItem<String> newItem = new TreeItem<>();
newItem.setValue("Item " + tree.getExpandedItemCount());
The CellFactory i am using is part of the JavaFX api.
If I have a look at the api-documentation (TreeView#edit) there is not much to do on my site.
Many examples I found via google like this create a context-menu for each TreeItem. Useful, but not exactly what i want, right now.
If I select/double-click the item in the UI I am able to edit any previously created and existing TreeItem. Do I miss something?
Edit #1:
If the createItem method gets changed to the following code:
public void createItem() throws InterruptedException {
TreeItem<String> newItem = new TreeItem<>();
newItem.setValue("Item " + this.tree.getExpandedItemCount());
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
every new item is correctly marked for edit (the created textfield and its content are selected). Using Platform.runLater without Thread.sleep doesnt work and Thread.sleep without runLater neither.
This simply does not feel right. What is my problem?
I provide a very small example (eclipse) project: https://www.dropbox.com/s/duos0ynw4rqp3yn/Test.zip?dl=0 containing The main-method, the FXML-File and the "problematic" controller.