I have some string with variable, e.g.
string path = @"C:\one\filename.exe" + arguments
arguments: "-s -c -d > "somedirectory\some file.txt""
I've problem with redirection output to "somedirectory\some file"
If I put "\""
or char.ToString('"')
it always interprets as \"
...not alone "
How should I put this "
character into arguments?
You need to use \"
The debugger shows it as \"
, since it shows valid string literals.
However, the actual value in the string is "
. (You can see this in the Text Visualizer)
In a verbatim string literal (@"..."
), you need to use ""
var arguments = @"-s -c -d > ""somedirectory\some file.txt""";
var arguments = "-s -c -d > \"somedirectory\\some file.txt\"";
string args = @"-s -c -d > ""somedirectory\some file.txt"""
try that.
for more information, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa691090%28v=vs.71%29.aspx