I have a scenario where I have to set a property of a mocked object as follows:
SlingHttpRequest slingHttpRequest= mock(SlingHttpRequest);
slingHttpRequest.setAttribute("search", someObject);
When I try to print this attribute I get null
. How do I set this property?
You don't normally set properties on your mocked objects; instead, you do some specific thing when it's invoked.
Mock object is not where you store data, it's for you to teach the behavior when its methods are invoked.
try this: https://www.google.com/search?q=mockito+example&oq=mockito+example&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.6790j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8
I'm afraid you're misusing your mock SlingHttpRequest
Mockito requires you to wire up your mock's properties before you use them in your test scenarios, i.e.:
Mockito.when(slingHttpRequest.getAttribute("search")).thenReturn(new Attribute());
You cannot call the setAttribute(final Attribute a)
method during the test like so:
If you do this, when the test runs, getAttribute()
will return null
Incidently, if the code you are unit testing is going to call a setter on your mock in this way, do not use a mock. Use a stub.