How to annotate some text in the blank space within a odd numbered faceted ggplot. Lets have a faceted ggplot with data as below with with 2 rows and 2 columns. So there is blank space in place of 2 row, 2nd column.
df<- data.frame(Ara = rep("XTX", each = 3),
Len = c(744, 750, 755),
Mon = c("Sep", "Oct","Nov"),
facetplot<-ggplot(df, aes(x=Value, y=Len, shape=Ara))+
theme(legend.position = c(.7, .4), legend.direction="vertical")+
facet_wrap(~Mon,scales="free_x", nrow=2)
Now i am trying to annotate some text in the space but could not ( as written in red in the image). I am looking for something similar to legend.position for annotated text. Do anyone has any idea on this.Or what would be the possible work around. Thank you.