CodeIgniter - Call method inside a model?

2019-01-28 03:10发布


I have the following code:

class Badge extends CI_Model
    public function foo()
        echo $this->bar('world');

    public function bar($word)
        return $word;

But it always gives me an error on the line where echo $this->bar('world'); is.

Call to undefined method (......)


Your not loading your model inside your controller:

public function test()

Because the code works - I've just tested it by pasting using your model unedited:

class Badge extends CI_Model
    public function foo()
        echo $this->bar('world');

    public function bar($word)
        return $word;




In order to avoid any external call dependecy you need to get the Codeigniter instance and call the method through the instance.

class Badge extends CI_Model
    public function foo()
        $CI =& get_instance();

        echo $CI->Badge->bar('world');

    public function bar($word)
        return $word;

标签: codeigniter