TL:DR; version:
If I insert a record into a linked table that has a trigger that inserts a record in a different table, Access displays the global identity (the identity of that different table) instead of the correct primary key, and fills the columns with the values of the record with the corresponding identity if a record with the corresponding identity exists.
Is there any way to stop/work around this behaviour?
I have the following table:
[Col1] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Col2] [nvarchar](255) NULL
The table is seeded with the following information (before creating the trigger)
GO 10
And the following table that logs changes:
CREATE TABLE MyTable_Changes(
[ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Col1] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Col2] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
This table has the following trigger attached to it:
CREATE TRIGGER MyTableTrigger ON MyTable AFTER Insert, Update
INSERT INTO MyTable_Changes(ID, Col1, Col2)
SELECT * FROM Inserted
MyTable is a linked table in Microsoft Access, using the following ODBC connection string:
ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=my\server;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=Microsoft Office 2010;DATABASE=MyDB;
I'm using Access 2010, and an .accdb file
The problem:
I'm inserting records through the GUI. I've inserted several records before enabling the trigger, and the identity seed for MyTable is 100, but for MyTable_Changes, the identity seed is 10.
When I add a new record to MyTable, and I set Col1 equal to "A", after inserting, the ID column of the inserted record displays as 11, and Col2 displays as the value of Col2 for ID 11. Col1 displays normally. After hitting F5, the record displays like I just added it.
What I've tried:
I've read numerous posts (like this one). I've tried a compact & repair, changing the seed on the table in Access (which doesn't work since it's a linked table), but haven't been able to solve it.
For now, I've included a work-around that can open linked tables as a datasheet form and requeries after updating, then navigates to the last record, but this is far from optimal, since it increases the time it takes to add records, and people can't use the navpane to open tables and add records.
Picture: (left: before adding the record, right: after)
Note that both Col1 and Col2 changed to the values corresponding with ID 1 after updating. After refreshing, the record I had added (ID 11, Col1 a, Col2 Null) properly showed.
An ODBC trace reveals that Access is indeed calling SELECT @@IDENTITY
(as opposed to SCOPE_IDENTITY()
) after inserting the row into the SQL Server linked table:
Database1 e00-1490 EXIT SQLExecDirectW with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
HSTMT 0x00000000004D6990
WCHAR * 0x000000000F314F28 [ -3] "INSERT INTO "dbo"."Table1" ("txt") VALUES (?)\ 0"
Database1 e00-1490 EXIT SQLExecDirectW with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
HSTMT 0x00000000004D6990
WCHAR * 0x000007FED7E6EE58 [ -3] "SELECT @@IDENTITY\ 0"
Furthermore, this behaviour appears to depend on the ODBC driver being used, since a similar test with MySQL Connector/ODBC shows that Access does not call the corresponding MySQL function LAST_INSERT_ID()
after inserting a row into a MySQL linked table.
Given that Access is calling SELECT @@IDENTITY
, we must modify our trigger as follows (source: here) to reset the @@IDENTITY value back to its original value
create trigger mytable_insert_trigger on mytable for insert as
declare @identity int
declare @strsql varchar(128)
set @identity=@@identity
--your code
--insert into second table ...
--your code
set @strsql='select identity (int, ' + cast(@identity as varchar(10)) + ',1) as id into #tmp'
execute (@strsql)
In the end, I've tried numerous workarounds to solve this problem. For anyone encountering it in the future, here are some of the working ones, and my considerations.
At first, I just moved data entry to a form, and added the following code:
Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
End Sub
While working, this had numerous disadvantages.
Then, I just incremented the identity seed of my _Changes table to beyond that of the normal table:
DBCC CHECKIDENT ('MyTable_Changes', RESEED, 10000);
This avoids @@IDENTITY
existing in MyTable
, so the wrong data will no longer be displayed after adding a row. This works, but Access will no longer fetch defaults for blank columns after adding. However, for others, this might not be relevant and might be the simplest solution.
I also tried changing the identity column to a GUID
CREATE TABLE MyTable_Changes(
[ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Col1] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Col2] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
CONSTRAINT [DF_MyTable_Changes_IDChange] DEFAULT newsequentialid()
This worked (since @@IDENTITY
no longer got changed), fetching defaults worked, it added some complexity (I was inserting into two tables joined by a one-many relationship and had to use the OUTPUT
clause to fetch the ID on one of them), and my boss decided GUIDs were unintuitive and shouldn't be used.
In the end, Gord Thompson's answer was the one I went with. I modified the code to use a table variable instead of a temporary table to make the scope of the table more explicit.
CREATE TRIGGER MyTableTrigger ON MyTable AFTER Insert, Update
-- Capture @@identity
DECLARE @identity int;
SET @identity=@@identity;
-- Inserts here
INSERT INTO MyTable_Changes(ID, Col1, Col2)
SELECT * FROM Inserted;
-- reset @@identity
DECLARE @strsql varchar(255)
SET @strsql='
DECLARE @t Table(id INTEGER IDENTITY(' + cast(@identity as varchar(10)) + ',1) PRIMARY KEY);
You must be doing something else on that form.
I would suggest you delete, and re-create the linked table from Access. I am unable to re-create your effect.
Keep in mind that Access does not and will not display the auto number id until you move to a new record, or you hit ctrl-s to save the current record. However, there really no reason to worry or care about this "lack" of PK id on the Access form until such time a save has occurred.
From what I can see is that you linked to the wrong table from Access. So I much suggest you delete the linked table in Access, re-link.
And as a quick test, after you link the table, flip it into design mode to ensure that Access sees the PK (access will not see the PK if this is for example a view – but you “can” select the PK when linking to a view via the GUI).
edit - I run your scripts - played a bit. I set the first table to auto inc at 1000. The screen shot after entering 3 rows is this:
From what I can see, this is correct.
edit#2: From a quick search on the internet - we see that you issue DOES exist, but I am at a loss as to why my example works 100% just fine.