I'm trying to generate a HTML document with RazorEngine (http://razorengine.codeplex.com/). Everything is mostly working, but the problem I have now is some of the HTML is being rendered correctly, and HTML that I have nested in that is being rendered as literal HTML, so rather than the browser displaying the tables & divs as expected, it's displaying e.g.
I kick off this process by calling the following:
string completeHTML = RazorEngine.Razor.Parse("InstallationTemplate.cshtml", new { Data = viewModels });
The completeHTML
is then written to a file.
"InstallationTemplate.cshtml" is defined as:
var installationReport = new InstallationReport(Model.Data);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- I would expect this to write the rendered HTML
in place of "@installationReport.DigiChannels()" -->
Where InstallationReport
and DigiChannels
are defined as follows:
public static class InstallationReportExtensions
public static string DigiChannels(this InstallationReport installationReport)
return installationReport.GetDigiChannelsHtml();
public class InstallationReport
public string GetDigiChannelsHtml()
// the following renders the template correctly
string renderedHtml = RazorReport.GetHtml("DigiChannels.cshtml", GetDigiChannelData());
return renderedHtml;
public static string GetHtml(string templateName, object data)
var templateString = GetTemplateString(templateName);
return RazorEngine.Razor.Parse(templateString, data);
After GetDigiChannelsHtml()
runs and returns renderedHtml
, the line of execution returns to TemplateBase.cs
into the method ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context)
, which is defined as:
string ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context)
_context = context;
var builder = new StringBuilder();
using (var writer = new StringWriter(builder))
_context.CurrentWriter = writer;
Execute(); // this is where my stuff gets called
_context.CurrentWriter = null;
if (Layout != null)
// Get the layout template.
var layout = ResolveLayout(Layout);
// Push the current body instance onto the stack for later execution.
var body = new TemplateWriter(tw => tw.Write(builder.ToString()));
return layout.Run(context);
return builder.ToString();
When I inspect builder.ToString()
, I can see it contains proper HTML for the InstallationTemplate.cshtml
stuff, and escaped HTML for the DigiChannels.cshtml
stuff. For example:
How can I get @installationReport.DigiChannels()
to include the correct HTML instead of the escaped HTML that it's currently doing?