I tried to find an answer here, but could not.
@obj.func # works
@obj.func(**kwargs) #works
@obj.func1(**kwargs).func2 #-> syntax error
I do not understand why the third form is a SyntaxError, it seems for me that is not violating any python syntax and it is clear for me what the user want to do (see example below).
I looked at pep 0318 of decorator implementation but didn't find any answers.
Here bellow, would be an example of use:
class ItemFunc(object):
def __init__(self, fcall=None, **kwargs):
self.defaults = kwargs
self.fcall = None
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs = dict(self.defaults, **kwargs)
# do something more complex with kwargs
output = self.fcall(*args, **kwargs)
# do something more with output
return output
def caller(self, fcall):
""" set call and return self """
self.call = fcall # after some check obviously
return self
def copy(self,**kwargs):
kwargs = dict(self.defaults, **kwargs)
return self.__class__(self.fcall, **kwargs)
def copy_and_decorate(self, **kwargs):
return self.copy(**kwargs).caller
Than you can use ItemFunc as a decorator:
def plot(**kwargs):
redcross = plot.copy(color="red", marker="+")
def plot_data1(**kwargs):
bluecross = redcross.copy(color="blue")
def plot_data2(**kwargs):
But why this following 'short cut syntax' is forbidden :
def plot_data2(**kwargs):
But I can do:
def plot_data2(**kwargs):
The first form looks for nicer, at least I understand better the intentions behind.