.Net Core MySql

2019-01-28 01:29发布


I've just started coding in Visual Studio Code with .NET Core, on Ubuntu 14.04.4 I'm used to both using Ubuntu (from personal interests, hobby, etc) and .NET and Visual Studio at work.

But I've run into a problem i can't seem to overcome. I'm building a small console app that i want to communicate with a MySql Server, but I can't seem to get the MySql.ConnectorNET.Data working properly.

It was installed with the command dnu install MySql.ConnectorNET.Data And that seemed to work fine. The dependency was added in the project.json file, and intellisense was able to traverse the package just fine, but the OmniSharp Log reports that:

[INFORMATION:OmniSharp.Dnx.DnxProjectSystem] Project /home/<username>/VSCode/SimpleSQLatmpt/project.json has these unresolved references: MySql.ConnectorNET.Data

and I simply can't seem to fix that. VSCode seems to detect it, and asks me to run the dnu restore command. But it's to no avail. For all intends and purposes it seems like MySql.ConnectorNET.Data is available in the project, but just can't be used.

Can any one tell me how to fix this? And just as important, why it is happening in the first place?

Thank you very much for your time.


At the time of this question (Mar 2016) there was no .NET Core-compatible ADO.NET provider for MySQL.

Now situation is changed:

  • MySqlConnector written by Bradley Grainger -- licensed under MIT, and offers full async support
  • MySql.Data (>6.10) provided by Oracle (traditionally, GPL)

Personally I prefer MySqlConnector -- it can be used in commercial projects for free (MIT license); also I've tested it with my NReco.Data library under Linux, and it works perfectly in my scenarious. Unfortunately, MySqlConnector doesn't support EF Core yet.

--- UPDATE --

One more .NET Core-compatible MySQL connector + EF Core MySQL provider:

  • Pomelo.Data.MySql (unfortunately it doesn't implement true async behaviour)
  • Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql



MySql Connector NET for .NET Core 1.0 was just released (Sep 2016)

I didn't try Bradley Grainger's connector, but this one from MySQL do not support SSL. :(

So, anybody who wants to use anyway, should connect with ";SslMode=None;" in the connection string.