Switch to popup windows in cucumber, capybara

2019-01-27 23:53发布


In RSpec i can use such code switch to popup window, link, How can i do such thing in Cucumber steps?

login_window = page.driver.find_window('PPA_identity_window')
    main_window = page.driver.find_window('')

    # We use this to execute the next instructions in the popup window
    page.within_window(login_window) do
      #Normally fill in the form and log in
      fill_in 'email', :with => "<your paypal sandbox username>"
      fill_in 'password', :with => "<your paypal sandbox password>"
      click_button 'Log In'


I don't think there is a cucumber/capybara way to do this as such.

But you can still change the window using selenium driver commands like this:

    #Get the main window handle
    main = page.driver.browser.window_handles.first
    #Get the popup window handle
    popup = page.driver.browser.window_handles.last

    #Then switch control between the windows

EDIT: Andrews answer below is the correct answer now since new DSL changes were implemented.


You can use Capybara in your Cucumber steps to interact with popup windows:

login_window = window_opened_by do
  click_button 'Open Login Window'
within_window(login_window) do
  fill_in :email, with: "email@example.com"
  fill_in :password, with: "password"
  click_button 'Log In'


In a simple way we can do so, without within_window and without selenium natives.

page.switch_to_window page.windows.first

page.switch_to_window page.windows.last 


page.switch_to_window page.windows[0]

page.switch_to_window page.windows[-1]

0 - is the first window
-1 - is the last window

windows function return an array of all windows.

Another way, using the title of page.

page.switch_to_window { title == 'Google' }