acos(1) returns NaN for some values, not others

2019-01-27 23:56发布


I have a list of latitude and longitude values, and I'm trying to find the distance between them. Using a standard great circle method, I need to find:

acos(sin(lat1)*sin(lat2) + cos(lat1)*cos(lat2) * cos(long2-long1))

And multiply this by the radius of earth, in the units I am using. This is valid as long as the values we take the acos of are in the range [-1,1]. If they are even slightly outside of this range, it will return NaN, even if the difference is due to rounding.

The issue I have is that sometimes, when two lat/long values are identical, this gives me an NaN error. Not always, even for the same pair of numbers, but always the same ones in a list. For instance, I have a person stopped on a road in the desert:

Time  |lat     |long

When I calculate the distance between the consecutive points, the third value, for instance, will always be NaN, even though the others are not. This seems to be a weird bug with R rounding.


Can't tell exactly without seeing your data (try dput), but this is mostly likely a consequence of FAQ 7.31.

(x1 <- 1)
## [1] 1
(x2 <- 1+1e-16)
## [1] 1
(x3 <- 1+1e-8)
## [1] 1
## [1] 0
## [1] 0
## [1] NaN

That is, even if your values are so similar that their printed representations are the same, they may still differ: some will be within .Machine$double.eps and others won't ...

One way to make sure the input values are bounded by [-1,1] is to use pmax and pmin: acos(pmin(pmax(x,-1.0),1.0))


A simple workaround is to use pmin(), like this:

acos(pmin(sin(lat1)*sin(lat2) + cos(lat1)*cos(lat2) * cos(long2-long1),1))

It now ensures that the precision loss leads to a value no higher than exactly 1.

This doesn't explain what is happening, however.

(Edit: Matthew Lundberg pointed out I need to use pmin to get it tow work with vectorized inputs. This fixes the problem with getting it to work, but I'm still not sure why it is rounding incorrectly.)