I am creating a dynamic PDF in ColdFusion and having an issue with "pagebreak". The page in question could have 1 record, or up to 60+ records. Each record is displayed in 2 rows of a table. Some of the returned records are being split between pages (first row is at the end of page one, the second row is the top row of the next).
A sample record in displayed HTML:
<td colspan="2">Description</td>
Per client request, I am trying to display =< 9 records per page.
Here is a dumbed down sample of something I have tried:
<cfdocument format="PDF">
<cfoutput query = "sqllookup">
<cfset loopcount = loopcount + 1>
<cfif loopcount EQ '9'>
<cfdocumentitem type="pagebreak" />
<td colspan="2">#Description#</td>
This does not work, (it only hides the 9th record). I have tried several different ideas, and I am currently stumped. Am I over looking something?
Thanks in advance.
ColdFusion MX 7.
(I also ran the hot fix for text cut-off issue. http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/402/kb402093.html)
You are hiding the 9th record because you are choosing between displaying it and showing it:
if 9th record
break page
show record
end if
What you want is more like:
<cfoutput query = "sqllookup">
<!--- this is the 9th row, because 9 mod 9 is 0 --->
<cfif not sqllookup.currentrow mod 9>
<cfdocumentitem type="pagebreak" />
<td colspan="2">#Description#</td>
After wrestling with this issue on and off for several months, I've discovered that wrapping the contents of a td
with a div
(ie.<tr><td><div>Cell Contents</div></td></tr>
) will prevent a page-break inside the row. With this setup, a page-break that would normally split the row between pages will instead fall before the row, creating a little extra whitespace at the end of the first page and placing the row at the beginning of the next page.
Note about rows with multiple cells: A single td-nested div is sufficient to cause the above behavior for the whole row.
<td>Blah blah blah blah blah</td>
<td>Gnar gnar gnar gnar gnar</td>
<td><div>Soda POP soda POP soda POP</div></td> <!--- the fix --->
Try adding a style="page-break-inside: avoid;"
to any element that you don't want to be split between 2 pages.
For instance,
<tr style="page-break-inside: avoid;">
<td colspan="2">#Description#</td>
For me, after trying all the tricks and forum hints etc. - the only thing that worked in cf8 for larger blocks of code (including images, tables, div block etc.) is:
wrap the non page breaking part with
but a super simple <br>
after it in a new line (in code)
... your stuff ...
that worked, hell knows why...