Error “'sharedApplication' is unavailable:

2019-01-27 21:51发布


Hi have a projets(including app extension) using cocoapods. (with Parse, Bolts, etc library).

All work fine before (using bolts 1.1.5 library), but, when i've run a pod update (Bolts 1.2.0), I now get some errors:

"/Volumes/project 2/Pods/Bolts/Bolts/iOS/BFAppLinkNavigation.m:100:29: 'sharedApplication' is unavailable: not available on iOS (App Extension) - Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead."

Any Idea how to solve this?


Cocoapods are very useful (I'm sure), however they are designed to work with Apps, not App Extensions, and ultimately you lose control of the features they introduce during an update, so you will need to be more judicial about what versions of libraries you do use, based on the APIs they utilize.

In the case of Bolts 1.2.0, it's obviously decided to use sharedApplication, thus making it unsuitable for use in an App Extension.

So you will need to start using the libraries in source form, perhaps using git submodule for each one, that will allow you to update them when upstream is updated.


That is a problem related to the settings of Cocoapods projects

You can probably find the answer here

UIApplication.sharedApplication not available


Just refer to this, which will help you out:


I've fixed this by downgrading cocoapods to 0.35.2

If you have a more clean solution, i'm open!


Some APIs Are Unavailable to App Extensions

Using an Embedded Framework to Share Code

Make sure your embedded framework does not contain APIs unavailable to app extensions, as described in Some APIs Are Unavailable to App Extensions. If you have a custom framework that does contain such APIs, you can safely link to it from your containing app but cannot share that code with the app’s contained extensions. The App Store rejects any app extension that links to such frameworks or that otherwise uses unavailable APIs.

Require Only AppExtension-Safe API. All set to YES. The default though is NO. When setting this to NO the error disappeared.

Target -> Build Settings -> Require Only AppExtension-Safe API -> NO