Ant exec - cannot run program 'start' Crea

2019-01-27 20:26发布


I can't run the windows 'start' using ant exec. Ant version 1.7.1.

Here is sample build.xml to recreate the problem

<project name="test"  basedir="." default="test-target">
<target name="test-target">
        <exec executable="start">
            <arg line="cmd /c notepad" />  

getting the following error when I execute this build file:

Execute failed: Cannot run program "start": Cre
ateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

My env is Windows XP, Ant 1.7.1 I am trying to run this from DOS prompt. I rule out any PATH related issues, as I could run 'start cmd /c notepad' from DOS promt manually.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

cheers a s


start is not an executable but is an internal command of the cmd.exe shell, so to start something you'd have to:

<exec executable="cmd.exe">
        <arg line="/c start notepad" />  


For spawning multiple windows, this should work:

<target name="spawnwindows">
    <exec executable="cmd.exe" spawn="yes">
        <arg line="/c start cmd.exe /k echo test1" />  
    <exec executable="cmd.exe" spawn="yes">
        <arg line="/c start cmd.exe /k echo test2" />  

but you mentioned that spawn="true" is not applicable for your environment, why is that?


my solution

<project name="test"  basedir="." default="test-target">
<target name="start-init">
        <exec executable="where" outputproperty="START">
            <arg line="start" />
<target name="test-target">
        <exec executable="${START}">
            <arg line="cmd /c notepad" />  


How about <exec executable="start.exe"> ? Or start.bat ?

Also, where is basedir="." pointing to? If you place a <echo message="basedir = ${basedir}"/> just before your <exec> tag, does it print the correct folder (the one with the "start" program in it)?

Additionally, you could add <echoproperties /> before <exec> to see all visible properties.

标签: windows ant exec