I am trying to create a script where I will be searching the file servers for non inherited permissions. I have run into the 260 character limit for file names as a result. A suggestion I saw, that I thought would help, a couple of times was to create some non persistent PS Drives a couple of levels deep and query those.
Problem is when I use Get-ChildItem
against the new PS Drives it is returning object with the full network path and not using the name I assigned it.
# Cycle the folders
Get-ChildItem $rootPath -Directory | select -first 1 | ForEach-Object{
$target = $_
# Create a PS Drive for each sub directory and get all the folders
[void](New-PSDrive -Name $target.Name -PSProvider FileSystem $target.FullName)
# Get the file objects.
Get-ChildItem "$($target.Name):\" -Recurse
I am sure that if I created some proper persistent network drives with a drive letter I would not have this issue.
Hopefully I just didn't miss it but Technet for New-PSDrive was not 100% clear about this scenario.
I am looking for a way to make ps-drive and reference there folders while returning paths relative to the new drive name. Consider the output from a psdrive I made (G:) then one of my mapped network drives (M:).
PS M:\> Get-ChildItem G:\
Directory: \\server01\COMMON\Folder
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 6/18/2011 8:14 AM Folder 1
d---- 6/18/2011 8:14 AM Folder 2
PS M:\> Get-ChildItem M:\
Directory: M:\
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 5/8/2015 11:00 AM Backup
d---- 5/8/2015 11:00 AM covers
d---- 5/8/2015 11:00 AM drop
d---- 5/8/2015 11:00 AM Expense
I am aware that multiple workarounds exists for my exact situation but I would like to understand the behavior that I am showing with New-PSDrive