How do I find a Specific File Name in Batch and ch

2019-01-27 12:30发布


I am coding a batch file that will get the directory of a specific file(curl_for_64bit.exe). I tried using the find command but it does not work. It basically gets the directory of the file, changes to that directory so that it can be copied.


you can traverse the directory tree with a FOR command checking for the existence of the required file until it's found

for /r /d %%a in (*) do (
  if exist %%a\curl_for_64bit.exe (
    pushd %%a
    goto :eof


you can use command like @Ken White say, then use other code to get the file's directory.

here is my code

rem you should go to the specific root directory(like c d e etc.)
cd /d c:\
dir /s /a /b curl_for_64bit.exe >tmp.txt                                                
set /P file_path=<tmp.txt                                                   
del tmp.txt

cd /d %file_path%\..

And if you just want to copy those files, why you want to go to the directory of file?


The following script searches the file curl_for_64bit.exe in the directory tree rooted at C:\ROOT\ and changes to the parent directory where the found file is actually located:

for /F "delims=" %%F in ('dir /B /S /A:-D "C:\ROOT\curl_for_64bit.exe"') do (
    cd /D "%%~dpF"

Or this command line to be typed directly into cmd:

for /F "delims=" %F in ('dir /B /S /A:-D "C:\ROOT\curl_for_64bit.exe"') do @cd /D "%~dpF"

To learn what the ~dp modifier of the for variable %%F means and how it works, open a new command prompt window, type for /? and read the help text (see the last section in particular).